I work on a project (or sometimes part-time) basis for organizations, especially nonprofits, who want to communicate more effectively to achieve their goals. If you need to sharpen your content, I’m your person.
Through my extensive background in the government and nonprofit sectors (and a wee bit of startup work), I’ve developed some valuable traits and skills:
- I’m honest—about my skills, about what I see and think—but not a jerk.
- My non-traditional background and experiences have shaped a unique viewpoint and set of problem-solving skills that help teams reach better outcomes and solutions.
- I can disagree without being disagreeable.
- My work developing my emotional intelligence has made me a very effective communicator, regardless of the audience.
- I listen.
- I ask good questions.
- I’m the go-to “can you research this?” or “do you have this from five years ago?” person.
Read about how I’m helping nonprofit and philanthropic organizations, why I’m a great choice for your copyediting and copywriting needs, my traditional About Me page, and a list of Things I’ve Done that shed some light on why I’m atypical (in a not-scary way).